Topic: Article
Posted on 22nd Jun 2023

Is the 20-Minute Neighbourhood a Pro-Social Concept?

The next SVUK Thought Leadership Group for the Built Environment is taking place on the 5th of July 2023, discussing the topic "Is the 20-minute Neighbourhood a Pro-Social Concept?"

20-minute neighbourhoods are a big part of the discourse amongst planners and other built environment professionals at the moment, but they are largely referred to in theory with few case studies or precedents drawn on the evidence of their positive impact. So, how good are they at creating social value?

This session will examine what the 20-minute neighbourhood concept really means and why it is such a popular concept, as well as its potential to create social value for communities. Further questions to fully investigate the pro-social potential of this concept include:

  • What do we define as essential infrastructure to be included in a 20-minute neighbourhood?
  • How common are 20-minute neighbourhoods?
  • What would be needed to increase the uptake of 20-Minute Neighbourhoods? Barriers needed to be overcome.
  • Do communities want a 20-minute neighbourhood? Is there an evidence base for a demand?
  • Are there any alternative models that could deliver similar Social Value outcomes?

Join us on July 5th to dive into this fascinating topic and interrogate neighbourhood design through a social value lens.

Guest speakers for this event are:

Rebecca Dillon-Robinson, Senior Urban Planner at Ramboll:

Rebecca is an urban planner and designer with over 6 years’ experience in urban, regional and strategic development. She specialises in delivering inclusive development strategies and designs, bringing together diverse stakeholders and multidisciplinary teams. Rebecca regularly works with local and regional authorities managing and facilitating stakeholder and public consultation, including co-design. In her projects she is focused on designing spaces that are inclusive for all members of society, stakeholder engagement process that have the broadest possible outreach, designs that consider places holistically and long term social sustainability. Rebecca is a thought leader in the field of walkable neighbourhoods and is regularly asked to speak on this topic including at SURF (Scotland’s Urban Regeneration Forum) and for the Institute of Civil Engineers.

Gemma Hyde, Project and Policy Officer for Healthier Places at the Town and Country Planning Association:

Gemma Hyde is the Project and Policy Officer for Healthier Places at the Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA). Gemma supports local authorities in all aspects of healthier place-making including the promotion and implementation of 20-minute neighbourhoods, embedding health and wellbeing into development plans, supporting specific initiatives such as school streets and providing training and workshops for officers and elected members on reuniting health with planning. Prior to joining the TCPA, Gemma worked in various planning and public health roles with a number of local authorities and third sector organisations including Milton Keynes Council and the National Childbirth Trust.

Richard Dunning, Director of Research for Planning at the University of Liverpool:

Professor Richard Dunning is Director of Research for Planning at the University of Liverpool. He is a specialist in housing economics and the role of planning in delivering new housing. He has extensive experience of assessments of affordable housing need for charities in Scotland; the role of underutilised dwellings for Greater London Authority; housing need assessments across the UK; and over a dozen projects for DLUHC (UK Government). He has written and researched on the 20 minute city, focussing on Liverpool City Region. Richard is the Co-Editor of Housing & Society.

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