Newcastle CAV is sited on the former Newcastle General Hospital site and is being developed to establish the world’s premier centre for healthy ageing and living. The partnership which includes Newcastle Hospitals and Newcastle University has the vision for Newcastle’s West End to become nationally and internationally renowned as a leader in ageing and health.
We worked with the design and bid teams to optimise design proposals and describe the social benefits that these would bring to a variety of stakeholders, particularly users and people in the surrounding local community.
RealWorth was appointed by shortlisted developer BCEGI to support its final stage bid to become the development partner. This included:
- working with the design and bid teams to optimise design proposals and describe the social benefits that these would bring to a variety of stakeholders, particularly service users and the people in the surrounding community.
- mapping the prevailing socio-economic context and used this information to anchor the team’s proposals in identifiable and tangible local and regional needs.
- supporting the team in its final dialogue meetings with the commissioning body.
The selection of the development partner is expected to be confirmed in Q1 2022.