RealWorth gave the opening address at the ‘Improving Models for Valuing Social Impact in Urban Development’ event in Malmö (Sweden) on October 5th 2016.
The event was organised by the Urban Innovation Lab to explore new ways of addressing social impact valuation in urban developments. The event took place in the multi-ethnic district of Rosengård. Over 40 participants attended the workshop ranging from local authority officers through to private sector developers and third sector organisations.
While in the city, RealWorth’s Prof. Bichard took the opportunity to meet representatives of White Arkitekter to discuss mutual opportunities in the field of Sustainable Return on Investment (SuROI). White contributed to the design of the iconic sustainable city district at Western Harbour and the visit included a tour of the area (see below).
One outcome of visit to Malmö was an invitation for RealWorth to discuss the next stage in the regeneration of Rosengård’s commercial centre. A further announcement about this will follow if a bid for funding is successful.