Erik Bichard led a workshop on Sustainable Return on Investment (SuROI) at the prestigious Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) on the 14th of September.
He was in Austria at the invitation of Dr. Christian Schober, Head of the Competence Centre for Non-profit Organisations and Social Entrepreneurship. The workshop was attended by a mixture of private and third sector organisations and academics.
Reflecting on the day Prof. Bichard said ‘I was very impressed with the depth of understanding and the enthusiasm to embrace new valuation thinking here in Vienna. I am very grateful to Dr. Schober and his colleagues at WU for the opportunity to come to Vienna and talk about the work of RealWorth and I am looking forward to a productive collaborative relationship with the Competence Centre in the coming months and years’. Dr. Schober said ‘The feedback from attendees after the workshop was very positive. The insights and solutions to sustainable valuation that Prof. Bichard revealed today has encouraged us at WU to work even closer with RealWorth in the future to advance the development of this exciting and fast moving topic’.